Black or White? Two options only. Yes or no? Yeh or nay? Cold, hard, punishing, nausea inducing fact. Is your sales copy increasing revenue? How are you measuring it? Scientifically?…
It is not how you frame the question that is important. The value in any question, especially a sales oriented question… …is you understanding the problem that led to the…
That is in our DNA. That is how we survived as a species. That is our first response. That primitive reaction is powerful, compelling and almost impossible to overcome in…
Congratulations! You just officially uploaded number 10,000. 10,000 social media posts, emails, engagement responses, blog updates, in-bound content pieces, and general outreach pieces recommended by the gurus. The results? Epic…
This is your story. There are many like it but this one is yours. You care deeply about your story and SOME other people might care too.
Others caring is the first step on the journey to a client becoming a fan and then becoming an advocate.
Your business NEEDS advocates to survive, thrive and succeed!
The first step is communicating the Core-Idea of your business. What was the mental path you followed to come up with your Core-Idea? Can you articulate that idea quickly and simply?
This is your story. There are many like it but this one is yours. You care deeply about your story and SOME other people might care too.
Others caring is the first step on the journey to a client becoming a fan and then becoming an advocate.
Your business NEEDS advocates to survive, thrive and succeed!
The first step is communicating the Core-Idea of your business. What was the mental path you followed to come up with your Core-Idea? Can you articulate that idea quickly and simply?

Direct Ad Factory began as a passion project. The world of local advertising, especially in the digital realm, seemed like a world of snake oil and swamp creatures to many…